The IoT is not just another buzzword in IT sphere. It’s something great that has included all the devices around us such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, even refrigerators.  This combination and interconnectedness of different devices revolutionize different aspects of businesses, such as workspace, communication, operations, etc. in various ways. In our previous post, we have already introduced the IoT and its collaboration with VoIP. Now it’s the right time to see how these fast-growing technologies can lead to business transformation.  With the combination of VoIP and IoT, businesses should expect even greater functionalities and more advanced features than today’s VoIP phone system enables.  So, let’s stop beating around the bush and see how VoIP and IoT will transform business. VOIP AND IOT FOR BUSINESS VoIP itself made a revolution providing businesses with high amount of cost-savings, increased productivity, and an ultimate level of mobility and flexibility. All of these advantages are supplemented with the capabilities that IoT cutting-edge applications enable. Reaping the benefits of these two technologies simultaneously doesn’t require any efforts from businesses because they link each other via the Internet. VoiP and IoT business integration Businesses can make the most of IoT and VoIP integrations. Here are the most common options. -Your employees can use their smartphones or laptops to adjust lightning and temperature in the workplace. -It’s possible to reserve a desk space beforehand using mobile phone, even search for available parking space. This is a great tool for both travelling employees and contractors. It automatically will set-up VoIP desk phone for your employees to use during reservation period. -You can integrate your calendar with your VoIP device and make sure you’ll be notified of upcoming events. -By connecting your devices to the Internet, you’ll not have to worry about things to bring with you such as documents, files, gadgets. Since they are all connected you can have access even being on the go. -Remote workers will always feel part of a team connecting their VoIP devices to all office equipment like printer, desk phones without the need of IT. Remote workers can share resources in any format and from any device they are using. -You can provide your customer with faltering equipment. They will allow you to receive client’s phone number and diagnostic information in case the issue occurs. This allows you to proactively contact a customer before a problem occurs, improving their experience, and potentially reducing downtime and associated productivity problems. How VoIP and IoT will work together HOW VOIP AND IOT CAN WORK TOGETHER? In order to understand what other transformations VoIP and IoT combination can bring you should think of VoIP as a part of your data flow, not an isolated system from email, fax, text, video, etc. VoIP is working through IP addresses, at the same time all IoT devices connect to the network with their IP addresses. So VoIP and IoT will connect through the same protocol. VoIP is a keystone in this network or architecture, call it whatever you prefer. It’s because you’re always being in touch through a single phone number. Don’t you think this is something great?  And this is only a part of all exciting things VoIP and IoT can make reality. They are the foundation of future smart offices.

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